Zonguldak'ta Huzurunuzun Tek Adresi
Adres: Gazipaşa Cd. Nizam Sk. Zonguldak
Tel: 253 72 50, 253 94 74 Fax: 253 96 04
Tel: 253 72 50, 253 94 74 Fax: 253 96 04
Alt Yapı:
45 oda, 70 yatak, 15 sigara içilmeyen oda, 15 W.Oda, 25 Singel Od ve 5 Trbl oda, olmak üzere, şehir manzarası, telefon, mini bar, kasa, kablosuz internet, çay/kahve makinesi, televizyon, kablo TV, merkezi klima, küvet-banyo, saç kurutma makinesi,
Zonguldak ülkemiz karayolu güzergâhlarında bir geçiş yolu üzerinde değildir. İstanbul yönünden gelenler Düzce sapağından girip, mavi ile yeşilin birleştiği kıyı şeridini izleyerek, Ankara yönünden girenler ise Yeniçağa sapağından başlamak üzere bir orman denizinden geçerek il merkezine ulaşırlar. Zonguldak-Devrek-Ankara karayolu ile Zonguldak-Kdz.Ereğli-İstanbul karayolu devlet yolu, ile sağlanmakta Zonguldak otobüs terminali kente 1 km uzaklıkta olup, ulaşım taksi, dolmuş ya da belediye otobüsleriyle sağlanmaktadır. Zonguldak 100.Yıl Belediye Terminali Adres: Milli Egemenlik Cad. Zonguldak Tel: (0 372) 257 13 1
Zonguldak-Odessa Zonguldaktan Kalkış : Pazartesi
(Türkiye-Ukrayna) Odessa dan Kalkış : Cuma
Telefon: 0 372 251 21 50
Zonguldak-Skadovsk Zonguldaktan Kalkış: Çarşamba-Pazar
(Türkiye-Ukrayna) Skadovsk tan Kalkış:
Perşembe, PazartesiTelefon : 0 212 324 38 38
(Türkiye-Ukrayna) Skadovsk tan Kalkış:
Perşembe, PazartesiTelefon : 0 212 324 38 38
Çaycuma ilçesine bağlı Saltukova beldesinde bulunan Zonguldak havalimanına uçak seferleri başladı
Çaycuma ilçesine bağlı Saltukova beldesinde bulunan Zonguldak havalimanına uçak seferleri başladı
Pazartesi, çarşamba ve cuma günleri İstanbul-Zonguldak-Trabzon arasında yapılacak karşılıklı seferler başladı. Buna göre saat 11.00'de Sabiha Gökçen Havaalanı'ndan kalkacak uçak, saat 11.45'te Zonguldak'a inecek. Saat 12.15'te kalkacak uçak 13.45'te Trabzon'a inecek. Aynı gün içinde saat 14.15'te Trabzon'dan kalkacak uçak, saat 16.35'te Zonguldak'a inecek. Zonguldak'a inen uçak, saat 17.20'de Zonguldak'tan İstanbul'a hareket edecek
Buna göre saat 11.00'de Sabiha Gökçen Havaalanı'ndan kalkacak uçak, saat 11.45'te Zonguldak'a inecek. Saat 12.15'te kalkacak uçak 13.45'te Trabzon'dan kalkacak uçak, saat 16.35'te Zonguldak'a inecek. Zonguldak'a inen uçak, saat 17.20'de Zonguldak'tan İstanbul'a hareket edecek. Trabzon'a inecek. Aynı gün içinde saat 14.15'te Trabzon'dan kalkacak uçak, saat 16.35'te Zonguldak'a inecek. Zonguldak'a inen uçak, saat 17.20'de Zonguldak'tan İstanbul'a hareket edecektir.
Zonguldak, Bartın, Karabük, Kastamonu'nun yanı sıra Safranbolu, Amasra, Cide, Mengen gibi turizm merkezleri ve diğer ilçeler ile Batı Karadeniz Bölgesi'ne hitap edecek Zonguldak Havaalanı'na ilk etapta Zonguldak-Almanya arasında haftalık seferler
Ögertur tarafından düzenlenen YURT DIŞI uçak seferleri ve günleri
zonguldak- dortmund perşembe günleri,
zonguldak- düsseldorf Salı, perşembe günleri
zonguldak- dortmund perşembe günleri,
zonguldak- düsseldorf Salı, perşembe günleri
Yüzölçümü: 8.629 Km² . Batı Karadeniz Bölgesi’nde yer alan Zonguldak, doğusunda Karabük, batısında Düzce ve Karadeniz, güneyinde Çankırı ve Bolu, kuzeydoğusunda Bartın, Kuzeyinde de Karadeniz ile çevrilidir
İlin sahip olduğu yaklaşık 80 km’lik kıyı şeridi boyunca çok sayıda doğal plaj ve kumsal bulunmaktadır. Doğu yönünden itibaren Sazköy, Filyos, Türkali, Göbü, Hisararkası, Uzunkum, Kapuz, Karakum, Değirmenağzı, Ilıksu, Kireçlik, Armutçuk, Kdz.Ereğli, Mevreke, Alaplı ve Kocaman mevkiileri yaz boyunca yöre halkının akın ettiği kumsallardır.
Bunlardan, Filyos, Kapuz, Ilıksu, Ereğli Askeri plajı, Ereğli Belediye Plajı, Erdemir Plajı ve Alaplı Belediye Plajı duş, kabin, WC, büfe, ilkyardım gibi ünitelere sahip plajlardır. Bu plajların bazılarında çay bahçesi, lokanta gibi hizmetler de sunulmaktadır.
Kapuz Plajı :
Merkez Meşrutiyet Mah. Kapuz Cad. – Zonguldak Tel : (0372) 256 15 18
(10 adet duş, 5 bay -3 bayan WC, 214 adet soyunma kabini, büfe, ilkyardım, ankesörlü telefon, 550 kişilik çay bahçesi, 250 kişilik lokanta)
Ilıksu Plajı :
Kozlu Aşağıçayır Köyü Ilıksu Mevkii Tel : (0372) 261 01 01
(4 adet duş, 5 bay -5 bayan WC, 34 adet soyunma kabini, büfe, ilkyardım, ankesörlü telefon, 1300 kişilik çay bahçesi, 100 kişilik lokanta)
Alaplı Belediye Plajı :
Alaplı – Akçakoca Yolu Üzeri 10. km
Tel : (0372) 378 42 17 (Metin Market)
(5 adet duş, 3 bay -2 bayan WC, 36 adet soyunma kabini, büfe, ilkyardım, ankesörlü telefon, 300 kişilik çay bahçesi, 250 kişilik lokanta, 12 oda – 40 yatak kapasiteli pansiyon)
Kdz.Ereğli Belediye Plajı : Kdz.Ereğli-Alaplı Yolu üzeri 13. km
Tel : (0372) 365 90 95 (Plaj Restoran)
(12 adet duş,2 bay -2 bayan WC, 109 adet soyunma kabini, büfe, ankesörlü telefon, 400 kişilik çay bahçesi, 300 kişilik lokanta)
Erdemir Plajı :
Kdz.Ereğli – Alaplı Yolu üzeri,
Tel : (0372) 323 25 00 (santral) – (0372) 365 90 82
(3adet duş, 2 bay -2 bayan WC, 50 adet soyunma kabini, büfe, ilkyardım, ankesörlü telefon, 1500 kişilik çay bahçesi)
Kdz.Ereğli Askeri Plajı : Merkez – Kdz.Ereğli, Tel : (0372) 323 28 00 (santral)
(10 adet duş, 3 bay -3 bayan WC, 70 adet soyunma kabini, büfe, ilkyardım, ankesörlü telefon, 300 kişilik çay bahçesi)
Filyos Plajı :
Filyos / Çaycuma
Tel : (0372) 623 10 18 (Filyos Belediyesi- santral)
(10 adet duş, 3 bay -3 bayan WC, 10 adet soyunma kabini, büfe, 200 kişilik çay bahçesi, 300 kişilik lokanta)
Peace of mind in Zonguldak Tek Address Address: Gazipasa Cd. Nizam Sk. Zonguldak Tel: 253 72 50 253 94 74 Fax: 253 1996 2004
Infrastructure: 45 rooms, 70 beds, 15 non-smoking room, 15 W. Room, 25 Od and 5 TRBL Singel room, including, city views, telephone, mini bar, safe, wireless internet, tea / coffee making facilities, television, cable TV, central air conditioning, bathtub, hair dryer,
HIGHWAY Zonguldak road routes in our country is not on a migration path. Istanbul in terms of arrivals into the turn Duzce, blue and green combined with the shoreline, following the entrants in Ankara in terms of the sea through a forest to begin the turn Yeniçağa reach the city center. Devrek Zonguldak-Eregli-Zonguldak-Ankara-Istanbul highway and state highway road, 1 km away from the city bus terminal is provided with Zonguldak, transportation, taxis, minibuses or buses are provided. 100th Anniversary of Zonguldak City Terminal Address: National Sovereignty Cad. Zonguldak Tel: (0 372) 257 13 1
125 meters. Long waterfront, RO-RO ships loading and unloading of passengers and vehicle transportation are held and used by the ferries. Zonguldak-Odessa Zonguldaktan Departure: Monday (Turkey-Ukraine) Departure from Odessa on Friday Phone: 21 50 0372251 Zonguldak-Skadovsk Zonguldaktan Departure: Saturday-Sunday (Turkey-Ukraine) Skadovsk diagnosis Departure: Thursday, PazartesiTelefon: 38 38 0212324
ZONGULDAKA fly TRANSPORTATION Cheap flights from the airport in the town of Zonguldak Saltukova Çaycuma district began Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays the mutual voyages between Istanbul and Trabzon Zonguldak-started. Accordingly, at 11.00 depart from Sabiha Gokcen Airport, aircraft, clock 11:45 in Zonguldak will be reduced. 12:15 pm at 13:45 aircraft will be lifted in Trabzon will be reduced. 14:15 hours the same day in air will be lifted from Trabzon, clock 16:35 in Zonguldak will be reduced. Zonguldak descending airplane, 17:20 hours at Zonguldak will move to Istanbul Accordingly, at 11.00 depart from Sabiha Gokcen Airport, aircraft, clock 11:45 in Zonguldak will be reduced. 12:15 pm at 13:45 aircraft will be lifted in air will be lifted from Trabzon, clock 16:35 in Zonguldak will be reduced. Zonguldak descending airplane, 17:20 hours at Zonguldak will move to Istanbul. Trabzon will be reduced. 14:15 hours the same day in air will be lifted from Trabzon, clock 16:35 in Zonguldak will be reduced. Zonguldak descending airplane, 17:20 hours at Zonguldak will move to Istanbul. Zonguldak, Bartin, Karabük, Kastamonu, as well as Safranbolu, Amasra, Cide, Mengen, and other districts, such as tourism centers in the Western Black Sea Region in the first place to address the Zonguldak Zonguldak Airport-weekly flights between Germany And days of airplane flights organized by Ögertur ABROAD Zonguldak-dortmund Thursdays, Zonguldak-düsseldorf Tuesday, Thursdays
Area: 8,629 sq km. Located in the western Black Sea region of Zonguldak, Karabük east, west and the Black Sea Duzce, Bolu, Çankırı and south of the northeast Bartin, in the north of the Black Sea is surrounded by
Beaches, Natural Beaches About 80 km along the coastline of the province-owned lot has many natural beaches and sand. From the East in terms of Sazköy, Filyos, turkali, Göbü, Hisararkası, Uzunkum, Kapuz, Karakum, Değirmenağzı, Ilıksu, Liming, Armutçuk, Eregli, Mevreke, Alapli and the huge influx of local people along the beaches of the area in summer. Of these, Filyos, Kapuz, Ilıksu, Eregli Military beach, Eregli City Beach, Erdemir Alapli City Beach and Beach showers, cabinets, toilets, canteen, first aid units, such as beaches have. These beaches are some of the tea garden, the restaurant offers such services.
Kapuz Beach: The Central Constitutional Mah. Kapuz Cad. - Zonguldak Tel: (0372) 256 15 18 (10 x shower, 5 male -3 ladies' rooms, 214 pieces of changing room, canteen, first aid, pay phone, a 550-person tea garden, restaurant for 250 people)
Ilıksu Beach: Role Ilıksu Kozlu Aşağıçayır Village Tel: (0372) 261 01 01 (4 piece shower, 5 Mr -5 ladies' rooms, 34 one changing room, canteen, first aid, pay phone, 1300 persons tea garden, restaurant for 100 persons)
Alapli City Beach: Alapli - Akcakoca Highway 10 km Tel: (0372) 378 42 17 (Text Market)
(5 x showers, 3 male -2 ladies' rooms, 36 one changing room, canteen, first aid, pay phone, 300-seat tea garden, a 250-person restaurant, 12 rooms - 40 beds accommodation) Eregli City Beach: Eregli-Alapli via Highway 13 km Tel: (0372) 365 90 95 (Beach Restaurant) (12 x shower, 2 male -2 ladies' rooms, 109 pieces of changing room, canteen, pay phone, 400-seat tea garden, a 300-seat restaurant)
Erdemir Beach: Eregli - over Alapli Road, Tel: (0372) 323 25 00 (switchboard) - (0372) 365 90 82 (3pcs shower, 2 male -2 ladies' rooms, 50 one changing room, canteen, first aid, pay phone, tea garden in 1500 persons) Eregli Military Beach: Central - Eregli, Tel: (0372) 323 28 00 (switchboard) (10 x shower, 3 Male -3 ladies' rooms, 70 one changing room, canteen, first aid, pay phone, 300-seat tea garden)
Filyos Beach: Filyos / Çaycuma
Tel: (0372) 623 10 18 (Filyos City-central) (10 x shower, 3 Male -3 ladies' rooms, 10 one changing room, buffet, tea garden for 200 people, 300-seat restaurant
Peace of mind in Zonguldak Tek Address Address: Gazipasa Cd. Nizam Sk. Zonguldak Tel: 253 72 50 253 94 74 Fax: 253 1996 2004
Infrastructure: 45 rooms, 70 beds, 15 non-smoking room, 15 W. Room, 25 Od and 5 TRBL Singel room, including, city views, telephone, mini bar, safe, wireless internet, tea / coffee making facilities, television, cable TV, central air conditioning, bathtub, hair dryer,
HIGHWAY Zonguldak road routes in our country is not on a migration path. Istanbul in terms of arrivals into the turn Duzce, blue and green combined with the shoreline, following the entrants in Ankara in terms of the sea through a forest to begin the turn Yeniçağa reach the city center. Devrek Zonguldak-Eregli-Zonguldak-Ankara-Istanbul highway and state highway road, 1 km away from the city bus terminal is provided with Zonguldak, transportation, taxis, minibuses or buses are provided. 100th Anniversary of Zonguldak City Terminal Address: National Sovereignty Cad. Zonguldak Tel: (0 372) 257 13 1
125 meters. Long waterfront, RO-RO ships loading and unloading of passengers and vehicle transportation are held and used by the ferries. Zonguldak-Odessa Zonguldaktan Departure: Monday (Turkey-Ukraine) Departure from Odessa on Friday Phone: 21 50 0372251 Zonguldak-Skadovsk Zonguldaktan Departure: Saturday-Sunday (Turkey-Ukraine) Skadovsk diagnosis Departure: Thursday, PazartesiTelefon: 38 38 0212324
ZONGULDAKA fly TRANSPORTATION Cheap flights from the airport in the town of Zonguldak Saltukova Çaycuma district began Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays the mutual voyages between Istanbul and Trabzon Zonguldak-started. Accordingly, at 11.00 depart from Sabiha Gokcen Airport, aircraft, clock 11:45 in Zonguldak will be reduced. 12:15 pm at 13:45 aircraft will be lifted in Trabzon will be reduced. 14:15 hours the same day in air will be lifted from Trabzon, clock 16:35 in Zonguldak will be reduced. Zonguldak descending airplane, 17:20 hours at Zonguldak will move to Istanbul Accordingly, at 11.00 depart from Sabiha Gokcen Airport, aircraft, clock 11:45 in Zonguldak will be reduced. 12:15 pm at 13:45 aircraft will be lifted in air will be lifted from Trabzon, clock 16:35 in Zonguldak will be reduced. Zonguldak descending airplane, 17:20 hours at Zonguldak will move to Istanbul. Trabzon will be reduced. 14:15 hours the same day in air will be lifted from Trabzon, clock 16:35 in Zonguldak will be reduced. Zonguldak descending airplane, 17:20 hours at Zonguldak will move to Istanbul. Zonguldak, Bartin, Karabük, Kastamonu, as well as Safranbolu, Amasra, Cide, Mengen, and other districts, such as tourism centers in the Western Black Sea Region in the first place to address the Zonguldak Zonguldak Airport-weekly flights between Germany And days of airplane flights organized by Ögertur ABROAD Zonguldak-dortmund Thursdays, Zonguldak-düsseldorf Tuesday, Thursdays
Area: 8,629 sq km. Located in the western Black Sea region of Zonguldak, Karabük east, west and the Black Sea Duzce, Bolu, Çankırı and south of the northeast Bartin, in the north of the Black Sea is surrounded by
Beaches, Natural Beaches About 80 km along the coastline of the province-owned lot has many natural beaches and sand. From the East in terms of Sazköy, Filyos, turkali, Göbü, Hisararkası, Uzunkum, Kapuz, Karakum, Değirmenağzı, Ilıksu, Liming, Armutçuk, Eregli, Mevreke, Alapli and the huge influx of local people along the beaches of the area in summer. Of these, Filyos, Kapuz, Ilıksu, Eregli Military beach, Eregli City Beach, Erdemir Alapli City Beach and Beach showers, cabinets, toilets, canteen, first aid units, such as beaches have. These beaches are some of the tea garden, the restaurant offers such services.
Kapuz Beach: The Central Constitutional Mah. Kapuz Cad. - Zonguldak Tel: (0372) 256 15 18 (10 x shower, 5 male -3 ladies' rooms, 214 pieces of changing room, canteen, first aid, pay phone, a 550-person tea garden, restaurant for 250 people)
Ilıksu Beach: Role Ilıksu Kozlu Aşağıçayır Village Tel: (0372) 261 01 01 (4 piece shower, 5 Mr -5 ladies' rooms, 34 one changing room, canteen, first aid, pay phone, 1300 persons tea garden, restaurant for 100 persons)
Alapli City Beach: Alapli - Akcakoca Highway 10 km Tel: (0372) 378 42 17 (Text Market)
(5 x showers, 3 male -2 ladies' rooms, 36 one changing room, canteen, first aid, pay phone, 300-seat tea garden, a 250-person restaurant, 12 rooms - 40 beds accommodation) Eregli City Beach: Eregli-Alapli via Highway 13 km Tel: (0372) 365 90 95 (Beach Restaurant) (12 x shower, 2 male -2 ladies' rooms, 109 pieces of changing room, canteen, pay phone, 400-seat tea garden, a 300-seat restaurant)
Erdemir Beach: Eregli - over Alapli Road, Tel: (0372) 323 25 00 (switchboard) - (0372) 365 90 82 (3pcs shower, 2 male -2 ladies' rooms, 50 one changing room, canteen, first aid, pay phone, tea garden in 1500 persons) Eregli Military Beach: Central - Eregli, Tel: (0372) 323 28 00 (switchboard) (10 x shower, 3 Male -3 ladies' rooms, 70 one changing room, canteen, first aid, pay phone, 300-seat tea garden)
Filyos Beach: Filyos / Çaycuma
Tel: (0372) 623 10 18 (Filyos City-central) (10 x shower, 3 Male -3 ladies' rooms, 10 one changing room, buffet, tea garden for 200 people, 300-seat restaurant
ok bilgimiz olsun.